self reflecting ©
Sutton Bank, july 5 2010
The Sutton Bank formation. © Randell
New balance.
Intruiged as I was by this chakrasystem-like design I went all the way to North Yorkshire. The season had
almost gone, so I risked the dissapointment of seeing nothing but remains. I was lucky, the formation
still excisted in all its splendor!

And what a sunset!
Inspite of the late hour I couldn't resist to jump into the field. Although the formation had
already been there for about seven weeks, it still was in a pretty good condition. The angry farmer and the
difficulty to reach it had probebly saved it from massive extra flattening by the tourists of which there
are very many in the direct area.
This beautiful area combined with the amazing sunset gave me a very magical experience. Hopefully
I'm able to share part of it, using a little serie of pictures that I took while
having the experience.
The formation was settled at the foot of a little airfield on top of the bank. It makes
it possible to imagine there's a relation between the design and the gliders activity. Using
a bit of fantasy makes it as if something is said about windturbulance, thermic dynamics
or other sorts of air dynamics.

The formation at the foot of the gliders airport.

Diagram. (Maybe upside down, maybe not.)
Besides the associations with chakra's and air dynamics there is yet another idea possible. It
is also related to the area. The difference in hight between the bank and the valley is at this
particular place very extreme. The cropformation is seated exactly in the corner of very steeple
hills. I tend to interpretate the axis of the pictogram as a vertical something. What precisely
is above or under is still hard to understand.
The difference in hight of the earthsurface as a relevant idea finds its support in an article
by Matthew Lewin as can be read at (scroll down) or at
243 Sutton Bank North Yorkshire crop circle.
This person is by the use of channeling in contact with cosmic beings that seem to be close
connected with cropcircle making. Whatever you may think about trance sessions or channeling,
his website
"the new golden era" is absolutely a remarkable and interesting scource. I had discovered this
website just before leaving to England this summer (2010) and I nearly got the feeling all my efforts
had become meaningless while reading their stuff...
The article speaks about a phase of geophysical disruption that the world is about to go into. More
specific earthquakes and vulcanic outbursts as the result of the changing of the earth axis would
await us.(...) This profound change would couse considerable alarm and will also remove certain accepted
features of our modern society.
The design of the Sutton Bank formation is said to try to communicate the need for balance and calm
during this upheavals phase. Also, mankind will be more than capable of dealing
with the consequences and outcomes of these phases of activity.
Untill so far what the new-golden-era article is concerned.

Sutton Bank formation © Randell
In case we try to consider the image disconnected from any association, we are able to see
a central axis onto which six disks are placed in a regular sequence. Around these disks we
see loops formed by big and small half circles. At one of the ends we notice a striking
change in tendency. A seventh disk diverges from the pattern. Less striking, almost unsightly,
are the little curves between the corners where the half circles meet.
The loops, that remind us easily to the Yin or Yang of the eastern symbol, give suggestion to
the image of turning or whirling movement around the axis. Should we take a closer look to
these loops than they seem to evolve from the combination of half circles and thereby it
becomes questionable if the are much important as elements of the imagery. To illustrate what
I mean, I present the ley directions and also diagrams that help you to differend ways of looking
at the picture.

Separation in the lay, seen from the top (situated east).

The lay direction of the lines go downwards from east to west.

The last two diagrams are showing a structure that will be recognised by every dyed-in-the-wool croppy. Left
we see a wave or waving line that is expressed in the most logical way. This type of curling lines appear
to most of us as a two-dimensional thing. The diagram on the right shows a wave aswell, but is
constructed by two lines. This representation recalls a three-dimensional view to our perception.
This wave looks like a wobbling snake or tube.
It won't be difficult to imagine that also the waving line of the diagram on the left carries a
three-dimensional character.
The following images show cropformations with similar wave structures.

Links: West Overton 2004, © JeanClaude Viret. Rechts: Woodborough Hill 2003, © John Dove.

Left: Silbury Hill 2008, © Gary King. Right: Pewsey White Horse 2004, © Steve Alexander.
The Silbury Hill formation can simply be understood as the earth's orbit around the sun in such a way that
the turning around its own axis is also expressed or even the turning of the axis itself! This loop in time
sometimes is symbolised by the Ourobouros, the snake that bites its own tail. This Ourobouros symbol implies
actually much more than only the earth's orbit. It stands for the cyclic earth of nature in general. However,
this Silbury Hill formation supports the thought about movements of the earth as possibly meaned by the
Sutton Bank formation.
Of the Pewsey White Horse formation is said that it represents the Axis Mundi. The Axis Mundi represents
the center of the world. We see the rotation around the axis happening in the four directions of the world.
Remarkable enough, two days after the appearance of this formation another formation appeared in the
same field that depicts the human chackra system in a rather symbolic or at least geometrical way. It brings
us back at the first association I connected to the Sutton Bank formation. Could it be that the circlemakers
are trying to tell us about a relationship between the human chakrasystem and certain rotations of the earth?
When someone would like to bring his or hers chakra system into balance, he or she won't be able to go around
the need of proper grounding. That much is for sure. The possibilities of our energybody in which the chakra's
function as most important centers, are phenomenal and can lead us to manifestation of great efforts or
take us to well hidden mystical places.

Pewsey 2004, chakra formation next to the axis mundi cross. © Busty Taylor
As far as the similarity is concerned between chakra's, which actually mean "wheels", and earth-cycles,
"evolution" forms a core-issue. Does anyone work on his or hers personal evolution or characterbuilding, than
he or she works automaticly on the development of our world.
In case we bring back our attention to the inner waving line of the Sutton Bank pictogram, than we notice
the outstanding aspect of the mainly regular pattern at one of the ends. The flowing line does not longer
follow its way downwards. It also doesn't stop at the bottom of the axis as you would expect. It seems to
have choosen to climb back upwards. At the end of this erection we find a disk similar to the other six.
As stated before, the lines suggest a threedimensional perspective, so I propose to consider the disks as
balls from now on. It is with this ball on the end of the meandering line as if it depicts the pace-maker
of this line. The ball in the ballpoint that draws the line so to speak.
Should we want to continue the drawing than the most logical step would be to follow the curvature until
a little circle is created.
As the diagram on the most right shows, an orderly continuation desires it that all half circles will becomplemented
towards whole circles. How things could evolve from there is shown by the next diagram:

Diagram: Disk flipping around one of its poles.
If one studies this diagram carefully, he or she should be able to declare the elements we haven't
highlighted yet. We will understand that these strange little curvatures or small hidden disks in the
corners are everything but whim. They express the ambivalence between core and circumference, saying that
every circle, no matter its size, represents the centerpoint of a wider circle, and so on. It works ofcourse
in both directions, endlessly larger and endlessly smaller.
The next formation shows the same principle in a more complete way.

Cliffords Hill 2001, © Janet Ossebaard
Now that our visitation in the kitchen of the cropcirclebrain is fullfilled, we can presumably agree
that this design was everything except a whim. The deviation from the regular order seems to lead to a
new phase of complementation. A universal design of balance in relation to the infinite is our outcome.
In case this design is still allowed to reflect this issue of geophysical disruption, than it certainly
also does it about shift of consciousness. At least it helps me to insights about keeping my
personal balance. Needless to say that such becomes very handy when the earth is indeed to shake to its
When we search for similar formations, we will find ourselves soon overwhelmed by the supply of smart
variations. It feels to me as if, with these, it also does not only tell about the movements of the earth.

Meon Hut 2003. (Damaged by storm.) © Busty Taylor
Like so often with the cropcirclestuff, it tends toward universality. So, it does not directly point out
specific issue's, although these issue's are not excluded either.
Like the zen-master used to say: "not this, not that, and aswell this, as that".
In the mean time I have had indescribable psychedelic prospects again. I hope you had so too.
